Huachuma, also known as San Pedro, is considered a sacred plant medicine within shamanic traditions. The scientific name for San Pedro is the Trichocereus Pachanoi Cactus. Originally, the cactus comes from the Andes Mountains and is found in Peru, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador.
The cactus contains, among other things, the active substance Mescaline,
which provides the entheogenic effect. Entheogen means coming from God within
Huachuma is a powerful and patient teacher with a strong masculine
energy but brings together the feminine energy within you, during your
ceremony. It is a deep journey inwards with the intention to heal. A trip with
San Pedro can take 8 to 15 hours.
It will guide you to and through hidden trauma and blockages, giving you insights on holistic levels (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic). The plant also teaches you to live in balance, to be complete, and to connect with everything around you so that you can experience unity consciousness, from your true essence, from your soul.Huachuma also has a deep ancestral power that can show you what generational and ancestral patterns are present in you life. It gives you a new sense of clarity, purpose and focus during the ceremony and afterwards as you integrate the medicine into your life. A start of a new phase in your life. The journey can be visionary, but that is not always necessary, it can be experienced differently by everyone. Above all, let the power of this master plant do it's work, join the story that the plant comes to tell you!
A good preparation is always important. People who are not yet client will receive an energy healing session next to an interview before the ceremony. This way you will get to know your body, mind and soul as a whole and experience the self healing ability of your body. I will also remove the first blockages holistically. This will take place on a date
before the ceremony. The ceremony can be seen as an intimate and deep experience in complete solitude and in small groups so that the messages and power of the plant, thus God, can be fully given from a place of complete sacredness and security. It is important that you get the space needed for the blockages to be removed properly and holistically. No interference will be done by additional distractions due to safety reasons as we are working on, with and through a high frequency and state of being in your whole presence.
Truth and acknowledgement of your stories will open the doors to new ones. It will bring you to things that you didn't know about yourself and it gives you a new way of seeing, being and doing. Your gifts and talents, past lives (other dimensions), generational and ancestral patterns, balance from within and more will be revealed. We will cover everything that comes up. We will close the ceremony with a cacao ceremony so that you can land more in your being through your heart. The total amount is 650 euro including preparation. For people that are already client of Roots Holistic Therapy the total amount is 450 euro. The deposit is 200 euro.
Ceremonial extensions
During the Roots Holistic Therapy ceremonies, we take care of the energies of the participants, protecting it and ensuring that spiritual cleansing takes place and is done properly. During the ceremony we will use Mapacho, Rapé and Florida water.
Mapacho is a natural tobacco that does not contain tar. It is used to cleanse the energy of the participants and the space in which the ceremony takes place. Mapacho has been used in ceremonies and rituals for over thousands of years.
Rapé is a mixture of tobacco, vegetable root bark, seeds, leaves and plant ash. It has
been used as a medicine in the Amazon also for thousands of years. You receive Rapé through your nose (blow into your nose). The effect of rapé is a kind of deep opening of and to your soul so that after using it you can feel liberated and can let go of blockages more easily. It purifies and cleans the cavities, sinuses (mucus build-up) and it removes energetic blockages in your body. During the ceremony we work with different types of Rapé, based on connection and intention, it is decided which is needed for whom. You will notice that after this you are more in touch with yourself and your environment.
Florida water
Florida water is also used for energetic cleaning. It has a powerful and fresh scent and also has a binding effect. Florida water has also been used in different cultures for years.
During the ceremony you will receive many insights on all holistic levels (mental, emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual). You can also receive information about past lives (other dimensions), the present and the future. That is a special journey alone, but the work will begin after the ceremony, a whole new world will open up to you. It is important to be able to integrate everything well in the here and now, on all levels, along with the universe and your most high self from the heart. The new insights will be discussed during and after the ceremony. If, as a result of the insights you have received, you need an additional session, I offer that as well. The cost for an integration session is 70 euros per 30 minutes.
Huachuma does not go together with the following:
*Allergy or hypersensitivity to Huachuma, mescaline or members of the Cactacae family.
*Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including cardiac arrhythmias) and medication
*Borderline, schizophrenia, psychosis (admission to a psychiatric institution or clinic)
*Low/ high blood pressure
*Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
*Liver/ gut related diseases
*In case of alcohol use/ and or drug addiction, we strongly advise against participating in a ceremony. Masterplants and alcohol/drugs do not mix together. This applies to ao. cocaine, ecstasy, speed, heroin, methadone, crack, meth, GHB and ketamine, and all other narcotics.
Medications or Medicines:
*All antidepressants
*Sleep medication (this should not be used the day before the ceremony)
*Blood pressure reducers
*Migraine medication
*Allergy medication/ nosesprays ( antihistimines
*Add/ adhd medication
*LSD, Kambo and Iboga
*Chlorpromazine, phenothiazines
*Diabetes and medication
*No Supplements 3 days before the ceremony
Because participation in a ceremony is your own responsibility, we also recommend that you consult a doctor or pharmacy in case you want to know if your medication goes hand in hand with mescaline.
*A form must be signed before the ceremony takes place so that we can trust that you have adhered to the dietary guidelines and that you are aware of the disease/conditions that pose a risk while using Huachuma
Mao inhibitors (Monoamino oxidase inhibitors)
the action of monoamine oxidase. Monoamine oxidase is a collective name for a
group of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of monoamines in the
body. Monoamines, such as adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine play an important
role in the body, including in the regulation of blood pressure, stamina and
motor skills. Ayahuasca contains mao inhibitors. Huachuma does not contain a mao inhibitor, so tyramine containing agents can be consumed. Tyramine is a vasoactive amine found in fermented, smoked, pickled, and processed foods. We do advise to eat as healthy as possible from 2 weeks before the ceremony. This implies:
*No cheese or soy products
*No processed or smoked meat products
*No brewers yeast
*No overripe fruit or avocado
*No Sauerkraut
Further no fried foods, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, dairy, refined sugars, pork, organ meats, red meat and salty foods. In short, you want to try to keep your diet as clean as possible by eating alot of fresh products and eating light. Try to stick to the diet at least 3 days after the ceremony. The above is an advice, when preparing foods always listen to your body. A clean diet is a great way to further determine your intention. You will notice that the energy of the plant will be present during your preparation.
After registration of a Huachuma ceremony, you will receive further information after the preparation session so that you are well prepared for the transformation and healing that will take place.